Archive | August, 2011

After the storm

28 Aug

As forecast we had heavy rains last night and some impressive displays of thunder and lightning. Also as forecast, we woke up this morning to cloudless blue skies and much cooler temperatures (15°C in the shade at 8 a.m.)–perfect weather, in other words, for a long walk in the Vienna Woods. This turned out to be a bit disorienting because after the heatwave of the last week or so there were distinct signs of autumn out along Schwarzenbergallee and on Schafberg, some of which I captured with my new (at least to me) digital camera.

This time I finally remembered to take the manual with me and managed to figure out how to take close-ups like this one of  Herbstzeitlosen or autumn crocuses.

And it occurred to me that when I was listing the booty that people bring home from a hike in the Vienna Woods (“Another Reason I Live in Vienna,” 13 June 2011) I forgot to mention apples, as shown below. (Fully organic more because of neglect than intent, I believe.)

For some reason, though, I take comfort in the fact that they aren’t quite ripe yet!

“Midnight in …”

27 Aug

Finally made it to “Midnight in Paris” this evening with two friends. We went into the cinema on the tail end of a heatwave and came out into, well, rain. We smiled and said “Vienna looks its most beautiful in the rain” and walked off to Café Central*  for supper.
