Archive | June, 2012

Things growing in Vienna

30 Jun

In addition to the wonderful things planted and maintained by the MA 42 (Magistratsabteilung 42 – The municipal parks and gardens services), which does such a good job they deserve a post devoted entirely to their work, there are a number of other things growing in Vienna. This spring I became aware of some communal gardens near the university campus, where dedicated amateur gardeners are growing vegetables and some flowers. It’s a wonderful idea and terrific use of land that was otherwise just being wasted. Here is a photo to show what great results they have already gotten, where the growing season has really just started.

Communal gardens

Not far from there on a traffic circle, beautifully planted in yellow and purple by the park and gardens services, is a sunflower that was planted by an anonymous beautifier:

Sunflower in a traffic circleHow do I know that it didn’t plant itself? Because it has a sign:

The sign says: Please water me. THANK YOU! Your Alsergrund “Grätzl*”-Sunflower.

* The word “Grätzl” also deserves its own post, it has so many associations. Short version: It is Viennese dialect and refers to one’s neighborhood.

My first year in Vienna

10 Jun

Recently I came across my collection of opera tickets from my first year in Vienna. I couldn’t resist creating an annotated inventory of my experiences.  The results of my labors:  Operas I went to my first year in Vienna